October 16, 2007

The Keytar

On Sunday, I went to the Bastille. Some notes from my afternoon lunch...

I am at Cafe Bastille. It's warm, lively and the sun is shining very bright. Front row to all the action- Young, french hippies crowd the metro exit offering Free Hugs. An elderly gentlemen graces us with his presence and plays his acordion to the tune of the Wizard of Oz . I gave him .50E and told him it would have been 10E had he been playing the "Keytar."

My latest favorite thing in the instrument category.

The keytar was quite close to becoming wildly popular in the 80's (i'm sure of it). This half guitar, half keyboard piece of magic has actually made its comeback posing as a childs toy in bright friendly colors and now includes an on/off button. Regardless of its origin, purpose or where its fame really came from, I cant really think of anything sexier than old guy playing "The Wiz" on the keytar in the Bastille.

Trust me.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

glad to see you in the "bloggosphere" as we say in France ...
Enjoy your new life