March 10, 2008

Wait for the Beep

At least I can laugh at myself. I think we've determined that much thus far right?

So yaaa know when you wake up in the morning, completely hungover and as you make your way for your morning pee, you are inclined to stop dead in your tracks and just start laughing? Maybe its when you notice all your clothes balled up on the floor just next to your bed, or scattered here and there throughout your entire apartment. Or that your jewelery and accesories from the night before are inside your sock next to your pillow? Or that your glass of water that you somehow managed to achieve ended up with a ring in it and not a sip had? And why is your lighter on the floor next to your gum and work badge, but your ciggarettes are in the washroom?All mysteries and things that have happened to me twice in the last week. When the laughter breaks its usually because I had to take more than 3 minutes to recover the lost trail of getting home.

Now, most of you know that I am not a drunk. Im a drinker. I tend to fall on the Im in control side of the Lush scale, but lately, Ive got to tell ya... Ive been drinking way too much Absynthe.

I dont know if its that Ive been writing a lot lately, or that Paris has captivated me so much that, combined with the sheer coincidence I live on Voltaire,
Im becoming world famous right before your very eyes? Is it possible?Im a little afraid to admit it, but I think Im slowly becoming an absynthe drinking, novel writing philanderer who just leers at people through faded eyes.Nightly. Is that possible?

It doesnt help that my new favorite absynthe bar is just downstairs from my apartment. Yes thats right, across the street from my Renaissance, and just 3 blocks up from the Panda's Headquarters, which I frequent sometimes as well. As a matter of fact, on my last night of absynthe drinking with Sonia,I was at Bistrot DuPintre when I met Gerard.

I dont know what it is with me and wait staff, but I love a blue collar man! I keep telling myself to "go white go white," but I always fall for the blue. Cant help it.Needless to say, I think blue collar make better lovers because they have to try harder. maybe... (thoughts?)
Anyway, apparently I gave Gerard my phone number and he left what I think was a very sweet message the next day.
*Note to self-- change outgoing VM message to include phrase "kindly leave your message in English, svp. "

I have to keep asking my friends to translate my voicemails because Im too stubborn to speak English on my frenchVM. I'm seriously delusional these days. Maybe its the absynthe. Maybe its the French getting on my nerves.

Wait for the Beep.


Anonymous said...

Given the above, thought you might enjoy this:

Anonymous said...

haha! I saw that! too funny. thanks for thinking of me! I think...?

Anonymous said...

Go team Absinthe!!!!!