March 31, 2008

Power's Out

I thought I enjoyed domesticating, but the truth of the matter is, I despise it. Hanging stuff, measuring, getting on a ladder, drilling, screwing (or nailing?) I just don’t have the patience. I like when things are done. I like even more when things get done for me.

Mr.Power came to Paris this week. Hadnt seen him for a while and we had a nice visit, and of course some much needed and routine Mexican food.
I managed somehow to persuade him into helping me hang up the curtains in my living room. Well it turned out to be curtains for me, as he drilled right through the wall and into the electrical wiring. POP goes the weasel! And out go the lights!

This time it goes something like this…

“Uh, D?”

“Yes Mr.Power?”

“Youre gonna have to call the electrician.”
[Apartment is now completely pitch black]

“Wha? Why? (mild panic setting in) Can we just flip some switches or something? I mean come ooooooonnnnnn! I don’t know HOW to call the electrician. I don’t know enough French to talk on the phone yet!”

“Well you don’t HAVE to, but its possible this little bit of area over here is electric so I guess just be careful? No No. Youre gonna have to call at some point.”

We laugh.

I cry.

He buys dinner.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

thats what i call an electrifying situation