February 25, 2008

French Toast

"It's called an American in Paris. Its about a charming, intelligent girl who moves to Paris on her own. Her witty and insightful revelations regarding the stark and subtle contrasts between French culture and American culture are where we are going to find the crux of the stories. She takes us into her world of hilarious findings, no-nonsense rules and etiquette, and culinary pleasures and attrocities. She will need a co-host that speaks both French and English so we can broaden the audience and keep it relevant for both the US and all of greater Europe. So what do you think? "

"I love it!" he says. "But lets change the name, its a bit too broad and I think its been done. We'll start shooting pilot episodes in the next couple weeks. You will do all the writing. Lets start to run the show on cnetv.fr, Goosto.fr, onlylady.fr. Next week when I'm in SF we'll try to sell the US for chow.com, ok?"

And just like that "French Toast" was born.

So I had this idea for a TV show even before I left San Francisco. I actually had 2 things in mind when I set out for my new life in Paris. 1. Date the President. He is single and I had a shot. He's the bling bling president and short men love tall women. and 2. Become an International Star.

Anyway, he's married to some over the hill model now and frankly, Im over it anyway. Hes kind of an ass and none of my friends approved of the courtship, so I decided to let it go.Back to my show.

It was probably one of the most exciting days in my life so far. I mean I have this great job as it is, and Im in paris and my life is really good. So yeah, I feel infinitely lucky day to day, but I have never actually taken my career aspirations by the balls and just gone for it. (ha sorry, that was a weird analogy.) So now yours truly is in development with cnet networks to produce her very own light hearted, intellingent and of course tongue-in-chic (see it altready started!) humorous online TV show. Just like that. et voila.

But theres a greater point that Id like to share with you all and excuse my soapy-boxness here, but I dont do it that often so sit tight... Never be afraid to ask. If you want it, ask for it. My parents can attest to this as I always seem to be asking them for things. The worst that can happen is that you are told No. (Fortunately for all of us, this doesnt happen too often, thanks Mom and Dad!) so Ive never really had any sort of aversion to asking for things. If I ask you, if I ask the universe, if I ask my God, or my Boss (which sometimes fill in for each other) you just have to ask. Can I move to Paris? Can we produce a show Ive written and feature it on a few of our websites? Can I borrow 20 Euros? See its easy!

And now lets raise our French Champagne filled glasses for a toast...

To French Toast!!!!!!!!

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

man on man i can not wait for this. the tubes will never be the same again!