The drums, the violin, the strumming guitar are beating in my ears. I took you for a walk today. The song is "Be Another Me" by Curtis Newton. The song that carries me through this beautiful sunny afternoon in Paris. Life is not so bad.
Ive been cruising around my neighborhood all afternoon and have decided to stop at a cafe in the sun for lunch. Salad, Rose, ciggys, pen and paper.
My perfect combination for happiness.Enjoying my last few days of "french-icity" before I move to London in 3 weeks. Ive taken a job at a design agency as a Producer. This should hold me over and pay my bills until I can retire and just take on the greatest job in the world. Oh. Publishing my book and having it become the next BestSeller and go on Oprah etc. then Ill just travel the world and sign copies of my book. Ill bring along my assistant and my air-kisses. It'll be fantastic. Its amazing how much time a day i can spend thinking about this scenario. In my head, its quite real. Its what its like to " be another me."
One of the best things about not working at the moment is that I have plenty of time to daydream. Hours upon hours to think about me. What I want. What I want to do, to be. This is time well spent. It keeps me off the bottle during the day (sometimes) and fills me with inspiration that I can be and do anything I want. And why not? I have so far.Ive never been one to sit back and rest on my laurels so I use my time wisely. I try not to get bored but its hard. I keep writing. My book is half finished now and im getting pretty excited.
Ive decided that the first half of the book will be my time from SF to Paris. And the second half will be from Paris to London. Unless of course my publisher wants to keep it in two separate novels. What would Oprah do? Oh well ill cross that bridge when I get to it.
Now back to being another me.