We met. We saw. We met again. Et voila. That was it.
Yes him. The Marseille guy. He is not only now my wonderfully sweet and sexy boyfriend, but he is also now living with me. Chez Diane has very quickly become chez nous. What can I say? Thats how I roll.
There are a million reasons why this is a very bad idea, but there is also a strong handful as to why this can be good. Im not going to pro and con list here so lets just review some things that we know to be true on both sides, 1 thru 10 in no particular order.
1. Regular sex is good. A live-in boyfriend provides frequent, uninhibited sex.
2. I can be psycho and crazy. Its possible I lose my shit, and he and the relationship are out the door next week.
3.You always have someone to eat dinner with, have impromptu dance party with, and wake up next to.
4. He speaks French and English, hence he can read my mail for me and help me with those a**holes that work in French administration.
5. He goes to school all day so I still have my afternoons of Leisure all to myself.
6.My Mom called me a "cougar" and although offended, everytime I think about it, I laugh. (btw-hes 26 people. get your heads out of the gutter. im not Mary Kay Laterneau or anything)
7. Im generous to a fault, but I also hate to share. I usually prefer to buy you your own so I can keep mine to myself. Spoiled much? maybe. But lets look at this as a win-win, not me being a brat.
8. The only other time I lived with a man, was when my ex moved in with me after 4 days. I think this is the only way I know how to do it. (or not do it, but lets think positive;)
9. Im staying in Paris a bit longer than expected, so this is happily substituting as the next adventure until the rest of the plan unfolds.
10. I think we're in Love.